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Dec 2, 2016

1913 Romain Building Sidewalk Clock Taken Down

I was downtown for Jury Pool in October 2016 and I happened to walked past the Romain Building. I had to do a double take and it actually hurt me; the 1913 Sidewalk clock was taken down after 103 years.

I suspect that Mr. Properties took it down, I won't tell his name.

Just how many Baton Rougeon's remember and loved that old clock which was on a cast iron stand. Many baby-boomers such as myself fondly remember that Clock from when Third Street was the shopping hub of BR.

History is fleeing people.

Note: My baby doctor (and when I was older) was in the Romain Building whose name was "Old" Doctor Tyler. What I remember was the Radiator Heaters. He was one of two house calling doctors I had, the other was Doctor Crimes on Winboure Avenue. Doctor Crimes called my Mom "Mother"; 'Mother, Ronnie is a little anemic, put him on Liver for a while.'

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